
What to Expect from Microneedling with PRP

Jul 01, 2023
What to Expect from Microneedling with PRP
Microneedling with PRP is a popular cosmetic procedure that combines two effective treatments. Together they stimulate your body’s natural rejuvenation abilities.

Imagine if you could stimulate your body’s natural healing processes. You can with microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which uses your own body’s natural healing properties. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain or injury or want to enjoy the anti-aging effects of this treatment, PRP injection therapy is a popular cosmetic procedure. 

Here, our expert team at Hands on Health Wellness Center in Carrollton, Texas, walks you through the process of microneedling with PRP and discusses how to know if you may be a candidate for this therapy. 

What is microneedling with PRP? 

Microneedling is also known as collagen induction therapy. A small device equipped with tiny needles pricks your skin to stimulate your body’s natural healing process. 

Microneedling can help boost collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and smooth wrinkles. When you combine it with PRP, you “power up” your body’s natural healing abilities as the needles create tiny pathways for the platelets to flow through without blockages. 

PRP therapy can boost your natural range of motion, speed your recovery, and smooth your skin so you look younger. 

Are you a good candidate for microneedling with PRP? 

If you’re seeking pain relief or smoother, younger-looking skin, you could benefit from this powerful combination. 

If you have scars, uneven pigmentation, or if your skin is losing its elasticity, this productive treatment can help tighten and tone your skin for a radiant new you. 

If you want to reduce chronic pain, the platelets stimulate your body’s natural healing ability so you feel faster improvement. For example, some patients with knee osteoarthritis have avoided knee replacement surgery because their bodies responded well to microneedling with PRP. 

What can you expect from this treatment? 

Once we assess your goals and medical history and determine you’re a good candidate for microneedling with PRP, we’re ready to begin treatment.

To begin, we ensure you’re comfortable and withdraw a small amount of your blood. We put the blood in a centrifuge to spin it and separate the platelets from the rest of the blood. 

Next, we use the microneedling device to prick your skin. We may use a topical numbing cream on your skin prior to the procedure. Some patients report mild, short-lived discomfort. Then our technician applies the PRP treatment. Thanks to the tiny channels opened by the needles, the treatment can soak in deeper and rejuvenate your cells. 

Afterward, your skin may be red and sensitive for a few hours, but it usually fades quickly. Over the next few days, your skin will create more collagen cells so you look and feel younger. 

To schedule a consultation at Hands On Healing Wellness Center and find out if microneedling with PRP is right for you, call our office or book an appointment online today.